Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Headings When Comparing Topics in an Essay

Headings When Comparing Topics in an EssayWhat type of headings are used when comparing topics in an essay? This is a question that every student will probably ask as they read, and they will often be surprised by the answer. Most students seem to assume that they should use the first heading that they see in the text, but this is simply not true.There is a different type of heading that is used when comparing topics in an essay that you should use. It's called a lead sentence, and it can be found in almost any chapter. In the examples below, you will find an essay on jazz, with the second sentence of the second paragraph being the first lead sentence.'Jazz musicians became famous not because of their talent, but because of their willingness to be themselves.' The first sentence tells us that there is a specific type of talent, and that this talent is part of who these musicians are. It also tells us that the musicians needed to be themselves to become famous. This is a great lead se ntence that uses 'became famous' and has the implied type of talent - people being themselves.A second style book review, this time in a general title, tells us, 'The composer, who had such an appreciation for music, was able to combine two different styles into one piece, without losing his individuality.' While we can agree that musicians sometimes need to be musicians, and that composers can sometimes need to be composers, this statement is somewhat vague and will not tell us anything about what type of personality is required to compose.Jazz is, of course, a genre, but it is not necessarily a type of music. If this type of reading is the goal, this would be a better lead sentence than the earlier sentences.Both the 'trends' and the 'styles' books tell us that one reason for musicians becoming famous is that they write about their favorite types of music in a way that other people will find interesting. The trend book, which does not include an introduction, is often worth consid ering because the writer will make an effort to explain the various musical trends. As a reviewer, we tend to want to have a similar writing style, and so we look at both styles of books.An important issue that is overlooked by many college students, even those that are writers, is the difference between style and subject matter. For example, when comparing topics in an essay, we need to know what type of music or audience that we are writing for.When you compare topics in an essay, don't overlook the use of the various types of headings. Headings tell us what type of topic we are talking about. When you are ready to grade your essay, these types of headings can help you find what the right heading is for the correct topic.

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